Notes for the Object Life implementation to be distributed over the net. The copyright for this code is owned by Richard K. Wellner Jr. This code is distributed as freeware. If you feel the need to repay me for distributing this software, volunteer to help tutor kids in disadvantaged areas (THIS INCLUDES RURAL!!!). You may redistribute with no payment, however if this code is used for profit OF ANY KIND, the original source code, including this text, must be included and my name must appear as a copyright on/in the package as well. Contact me for information on The CareWare Foundation. An organization devoted to raising money for computer labs and instruction for kids who otherwise wouldn't have access to them. This is the first time I put anything out on the net for free distribution. Drop me a line and let me know where you got this from and where you are located. Thanks. is the address that is most permanent. is the address I check most often. Rich Wellner 5/10/94